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Four Superbly set up state of the art Operation Theatres well equipped with facilities like C-ARM & Ventilator to handle all kind of surgeries are provided. Necessary recovery rooms are also attached for the operation theatres.

Operation theatres are also provided with laminar air flow, central oxygen supply, Cardiac monitor, defibrillator, etc. Equipments available in the operation theatre are enclosed.

Well equipped labour rooms with all life saving system are also available apart from Minor Operation Theatre in Casualty.
Man Power
The hospital is having approximately 90 consultants in various specialities. Further 63 full time doctors in various spcialities and 66 resident doctors are also available for providing round the clock treatment including trauma and emergency cases.

About 350 ever smiling, helpful and dedicated PARAMEDICAL AND TECHNICAL & ADMINISTRATIVE staff are also available. One matron is available for supervision of entries nursing personnel.

Medical Superintendent is also available to supervise the entire administration, finance & Nursing Management
  General Medicine
General Surgery
Obstrectics & Gynaecology
Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement
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